The world, as we perceive it, is our own invention. -Heinz von Foerster

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Uncontrollable ----The Hero!!!!

As a child we didn’t have control over our willingness to run back home after the last bell of the day. As teens we didn’t have control over the willingness to flock with friends. Needless to say we are now adults & what is that uncontrollable emotion now? With this in mind I started roaming around our Management school to observe some well grown young adults (Managers).

Within a few days I got a big list of Uncontrollable. Wealth, Power, Knowledge, self respect, love, position, leadership etc., etc., “Fare enough…” but a few Uncontrollable emotions are “Funny enough!”

As we walk into the campus, we meet the very first gentleman. As Management students we don’t want to be tied with a tie, we don’t see any meaning in a funny formal dress but the said gentleman can never be found without a tie and a neatly pressed, tucked in Pant & Shirt. He is a very sincere person who couldn’t deviate from his job. He does the roll of a firewall & sometimes we try to enter the campus as a bug without any authorization codes. Firewall has been instructed to stop any bugs entering without authorization. When the Firewall like gentleman does his duty of stopping, we interfere in his job & fire him. As I call him gentleman, my adults call him the irritating Watchman. When an unskilled employee is doing his job without fail, a young Manager has to appreciate him or curse him? The uncontrollable habit of showing low respect to low grade people. Here the Manager is lost & the uncontrollable wins.

My dear adult has got settled in his classroom now. A scenic view of the brains from the whole India sitting in a closed room! The Faculty turns on his mouthpiece & its time that the student should turn on his earpiece. Whenever the student’s earpiece is not getting the faculty’s mouthpiece the student can activate his mouthpiece towards the faculty’s earpiece. There is no problem as long as this process goes on. Now the uncontrollable interferes. His Mouthpiece starts chatting with the neighbor. Slowly this uncontrollable penetrates the mindpiece of other young adults & the volume increases in the class. Our instinct says that this is not a Managerial behavior but still the Uncontrollable habit of chatting everywhere attacks him. Here again the Manager is lost & the uncontrollable wins.

The Learning center of any education institution... The book house, the knowledge house, the place where one realizes his area of interest, “The Library”. Traditionally library is associated with the unrealistic phrase called as “Pin drop silence”. It is not just a rule but a matter of human value. The importance of working without disturbing others, the human nature of respecting others interest. Welcome again to the world of Uncontrollable. Quite often we observe a couple of young adults discussing on an important party oblivious of others interest. At times, a remote friend is added through a teleconference. He is also invited to indirectly participate in that uncontrollable discussion; Sorry disturbance. Yes! my young adults are now controlled by the uncontrollable need of chatting unmindful of the place and purpose. This is yet another situation where the Manager is lost & the uncontrollable wins.

Such situations are uncountable but I would like to conclude this with another interesting arena of college campus. This is where you, I & the world around are connected with; the place where knowledge cracks out just by a click; “The computer lab”. Here the resources are supposed to be used for learning. I agree that a lot of learning is happening here, but along with that my adult wastes lot of his time in just silly things called as chatting, unnecessary networking & all other ways known to thy mind. A valuable amount of time is wasted on this machine which is invented to save time. Everybody have their own experience on how time is wasted here, just another case where my young adult is uncontrollably carried out by the fancy things around. Here too… the Manager is lost and the uncontrollable wins.

These observations may be very common across the world, but understanding the NEED of the situation & controlling the senses as per the need will definitely make you a unique manager. Take control of yourself; =My dear Manager. Start winning!


Gauri Gharpure said...

a very important perspective brought forward.. something more or less on these lines::a prof of mine simply hated mobile phones ringing in class.. he said, mobile phones are the biggest invasion on the code of conduct of a public space.. u ve given many more examples, nice post..

Preethi said...

nice post.. loved your profile... onion sambhar vada dosa!! lol!!